NESCIO The Human Factor

If wisdom is applied knowledge, than progress is applied talent.

Shooting the messenger is like shooting yourself in the foot.

This epoch is most substantially in need of original thinkers such as Martin Luther King, Albert Einstein, the Dutch Merlijn Kuin (Champion GO) or Pascal Haazen (TU/e-MIR 10). Especially now, in this era, as transition is the only certainty we can rely on.

MY VISION entails that ‘more of the same thing’ -but possibly slightly different, travelling down the well-trodden path- will not provide sustainable solutions for the future. Issues such as mobility, energy, food/agriculture require something totally different. It just might need the HTS, TU (the MIT’s of this world) or High Tech Campus, these ‘hackers’ specialized in these fields of expertise. The ‘Techno Hackers’ might just be the ones to make the difference, whether or not facilitated by an entrepreneurial manager linking it to accessible usage within society.

My view is that people with a HIQ think differently. Moving quickly from a high line thought onto details and backwards. In a working environment completely different things are important to them. It differs very much from the ideas of managers or HR-managers. Or just be very versatile, doing 16 things at once. Committed to themselves not to get bored. Or be very creative, and may then seem chaotic to the observer. My opinion (and experience) is: that it takes one to understand one. And that will gain trust and rapport. During the process, the head (the ratio) sometimes will runs off with the mind of the coach (or psychologist). For these people, it is -to my opinion- very important to focus on the process and not be sidetracked / seduced by the content. It requires a coach with special skills to this process, to bring the mind in contact with the feelings of the HIQ coachee. And always in a friendly manner keeping the HIQ coachee focused on the process, not the content. That’s why I like to work moving about in the room instead of sitting in a chair (with a body in a fixed position).

The end of the disposable society.
Understandably, I am a great advocate of ending the disposable society. The ‘ashtray full, buy a new car’ – mentality. The ‘one bunch of graduates done at the university, in comes the next’ – mentality. The head-strong technical expert openly questioning managerial decisions and business strategies is labelled as ‘troublesome’ and ‘undermining authority’. And is at risk of being laid off. Throwing away knowledge, motivation, (self-)esteem, belief in and hope for an enhanced society. No hope, no future. And talent won’t emerge anymore. That’s what I call: wings with engine failure. That’s acting against our own interest. Or is this a misinterpretation? However, so easily recognizable and frustrating at the same time.

MY MISSION is to have flourish these original visual thinkers, frontier scientists and all their talents. Even if they think differently (possibly in a different way), even if they talk differently, and ‘we’ might not understand them, ‘we’ might find them troublesome, communication no-no’s, pig-headed and unmanageable: they –especially they- might just be the ones to bring about the power of thought and movement required to solve our largest social issues.

Let’s put Columbus behind bars and we’ll stick to the world being flat: The Columbus Syndrome.
What is it that happens when brilliant ideas are at play? What happens with brilliant, innovative minds? What happens when brilliant people with brilliant ideas link their talents, knowledge and belief in progress to a goal and start experimenting? Then they start applying their findings and arrive at new (original) insights. What makes it that early adopters are rejected by the late majority? What is it about people who foresee beyond current thinking, who are ahead of their times, that they trigger such sense of uncertainty amongst the majority, that they are blocked in trying to achieve their innovation?
What happens on 4 April, 22 November, 5 December, 16 August and 6 May?
4 April 1968, Martin Luther King (at the age of 39), murdered [April 4, U2]
22 November 1963, President John F. Kennedy (at 46), murdered
5 December 1791, Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart (35), could not deal with the world any longer, after neglecting himself
16 August 1977, Elvis Presley (42), could not deal with the world any longer, after neglecting himself
6 May 2002, Pim Fortuyn (54), murdered

Or, on 5 September 1935 Gerhard Sandberg dies (a talented test pilot, already appointed as successor of Anthony Fokker of Fokker Technologies and married into the Philips family): crashing under suspicious circumstances in Ankara, Turkey. The Germans may have played a dubious role in this, adhering more importance to their own interests (interbellum) than to the talent of Gerhard Sandberg. Anthony Fokker dies four years later (due to a neglected pneumonia), at the age of 51, in New York, just before the outbreak of WO II. It might have been the case that he was no longer able to express his talents; he might have given up and neglected himself.

The social wisdom often has more power than the individual intellect. So how can you utilise the wisdom of the minority in a smart way?

If wisdom is applied knowledge, than progress is applied talent.
MY GOAL is to preserve these types of knowledge and motivation within society. To keep these people in our midst, and not at the edges of society (ha! the world is flat after all!). If wisdom is applied knowledge, than progress is applied talent.

We need these people so tremendously and I full-heartedly think they deserve the opportunity and the stage (sometimes backstage) to do ‘their thing’. This is part of NESCIO’s core; reason for me to hit the keyboard and convey these messages. More than that, it reflects the reason for me to start NESCIO the Human Factor.

Warm regards,

Fline de Lange
NESCIO The Human Factor

*) Footnote
NESCIO (I do not know)
(1882-1961) Alias of H.F. Grönloh, author of several beautifully stylized and greatly appreciated short novels: Little Poet, The Moocher and Little Titans dealing with the madness and sadness, courage and vulnerability of youth: its big plans and vague longings, not to mention the binges, crashes, and marathon walks and talks.

**) Footnote
I share therefore I am
How technology is making us more lonely. How we collect friends like stamps.

***) Footnote
I am the coach who is fascinated by ‘brilliant people with a dash of autism’.